Positive Thoughts
Have you ever thought you’d love to learn to play an instrument, but it might be too hard, or require too much of a time commitment? You might even think you don’t have the talent to ever play well, so why bother. Though they may seem like harmless or benign thoughts, they are not positive thoughts, and therefore, not helpful thoughts.
How many times have I heard my students — young and old — say, “it’s too hard,” or “I can’t do it”? Too, too many. Again, not positive thoughts. Unfortunately, it’s a common human reaction to roadblocks. We’ve all done it. Luckily for my students, I know better. I’ve been proven right far more times than I’ve been wrong.
To “it’s too hard,” here’s what I say: Almost every new skill is difficult at first — until it’s easy.
Sure, there are some people for whom most things come easily to them. To others, not so much. But weren’t our first steps difficult? Our first words, learning to read, learning arithmetic and then math, riding a bicycle… all of these things and more were difficult when most of us first attempted them, and perhaps even seemed impossible at first. But in time, with perseverance, and positive thoughts — I know I can do it, I know I can — all of the above and so much more became easy, or at least, easier.
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Ultimately you may not have the talent to be a great player of music, or even a bad player of music, and in time, that may become clear. But sometimes, a lack of “talent” ends up not being important because the simple joy of the pursuit, accomplishment, and yes, positive thoughts, can overcome so much.
To those who say “I can’t,” I say, If you say you can’t, you’re right. If you can you can, you’re also right.
I am a true believer in the power of positive thinking. Positive thoughts. Why predispose your brain to failure? Why not, instead of telling yourself you cannot do something, which implies never ever, and plants a failure seed in your brain, why not say instead, “I am not able to do it at this time?” Then you’re telling your brain, “Hey, don’t despair, brain. We’ll get there, eventually, because someday we WILL do it.” The power of positive thoughts is, well, powerful.
So what am I saying? Of course, I’m saying have positive thoughts, but what I’m also saying that if you have a desire to learn to play an instrument, or sing, or write music, you will never know if you have the talent or the ability to go along with the desire unless you try. And by trying, I’m not suggesting you take a few lessons before you determine you “can’t” do it, because sometimes it may take months or even as long as a year before a student really gets their musical sea legs. When that happens, the difficult often becomes the easy. And when that happens, a new phase of learning and challenge begins all over again. Through it all, positive thoughts propel you through the rough patches.
Learning to play an instrument and learning how music is organized is a lot like life and the process of living. There are new challenges at every step of the way. When you you’ve mastered one aspect of your instrument, you experience a great joy and satisfaction — and then a new or several new challenges will present themselves. You can spend a lifetime learning your instrument and the language of music, and still there will be more to learn and master. Or, you can decide everything is just too hard, and miss out on the joy of achievement. Just like life.
The study of music can enhance living exponentially, making the learning of it worth the pursuit. Never say you can’t, or it’s too hard, especially before you even try — no matter what you’re doing. You can, eventually, and it’s only hard until it’s not. Pursue your dream or your desire to learn to play, sing or write music, and leave your doubts behind, remembering that positive thoughts can buoy your resolve and get you through to the next challenge.